Botschaft von Indien in Oslo - Oslo

Adresse: Niels Juels gate 30, 0244 Oslo.
Telefon: 952445.
Spezialitäten: Botschaft.
Andere interessante Daten: Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang.
Bewertungen: Dieses Unternehmen hat 79 Bewertungen auf Google My Business.
Durchschnittliche Meinung: 4/5.

Ort von Botschaft von Indien in Oslo

Botschaft von Indien in Oslo - Ihr Tor zu einem faszinierenden Land

Die indische Botschaft in Oslo ist eine wichtige Einrichtung für alle Belange zwischen Indien und Norwegen. Die Adresse lautet Niels Juels gate 30, 0244 Oslo, und ist leicht zu finden. Für Anfragen per Telefon steht Ihnen die Nummer 952445 zur Verfügung.

Spezialitäten: Botschaft

Die indische Botschaft hat sich darauf spezialisiert, die Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Ländern zu stärken und zu fördern. Sie ist zuständig für die Ausstellung von Visa und Reisepässen, die Unterstützung von Unternehmen und die Pflege kultureller Beziehungen. Mit einem engagierten Team von Mitarbeitern sorgt die Botschaft für einen professionellen und reibungslosen Ablauf.

Andere interessante Daten: Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang

Die indische Botschaft ist bestrebt, allen Besuchern einen angenehmen Aufenthalt zu bieten. Dazu gehört auch ein rollstuhlgerechter Eingang, der den Zugang für Menschen mit Behinderungen erleichtert. Diese und weitere Annehmlichkeiten tragen zu einem positiven Erlebnis bei.

Bewertungen: Dieses Unternehmen hat 79 Bewertungen auf Google My Business

Die indische Botschaft wird von ihren Besuchern überwiegend positiv bewertet. Viele heben den freundlichen und kompetenten Service hervor, während andere die Schnelligkeit und Effizienz der Bearbeitung ihrer Anliegen schätzen. Einige Nutzer teilen ihre Erfahrungen mit dem Visa-Antragsverfahren und der Terminvereinbarung.

Eine Besucherin berichtet von ihrer Erfahrung bei der Passport-Renewal-Angelegenheit: "Ich war im indischen Konsulat für die Verlängerung meines Passes. Es ist der 1. Februar, sonnig, aber ich würde keine Spikes empfehlen, wenn man in der Nähe des Konsulats entlanggeht, da die Straße sehr rutschig ist aufgrund der Eisglätte. Sehen Sie sich das Bild als Referenz an, um zu sehen, wie glatt es ist. Vorsicht ist geboten, wenn man mit dem Auto fährt."

Fazit: Entdecken Sie die Vielfalt Indiens über die Botschaft in Oslo

Die indische Botschaft in Oslo ist eine hervorragende Anlaufstelle für alle, die sich für Indien und seine Kultur interessieren. Mit kompetenten Mitarbeitern und einem umfassenden Serviceangebot ist sie Ihr Tor zu einem faszinierenden Land. Besuchen Sie die Webseite für weitere Informationen und nehmen Sie noch heute Kontakt auf.

Bewertungen von Botschaft von Indien in Oslo

Botschaft von Indien in Oslo - Oslo
Surabhi Choubey

I've been here for passport renewal at Indian embassy.It's February 1st, Sunny but I wouldn't recommend to have spikes if walking nearby by embassy road because it's very slippery due to Icey Street. look the picture for reference to see how Icey it is. Precautions are mandatory if driving car.

Botschaft von Indien in Oslo - Oslo
Kumudu Strømhylden


Jeg vet ikke om hvordan indiske ambassaden i Oslo. Men jeg har plaget mye med Norske ambassaden i new Delhi. Har søkt visum til 3 familie medlemmer som vi har invitert til konfirmasjon til gutten vår. Første hva det avslag på grunn av de ikke har hotell opphold, ikke har kjøpt billett tur retur. Jeg er ringte til ambassaden for å snakke med en Norsk talende, fikk beskjed om det kunne bare hvis noen hva døde., så jeg ringte neste dag sa noe er død da fikk jeg snakket med Tor Roland på ambassaden og forklarte situasjonen. Han forteller meg at de legger vekt på inntekter til de som søker visum til Norge , jeg spør han om skal jeg sette inn 1 tiusen på hver side de må vise hva de har på kontoen. Det kunne ikke han si at jeg skal gjøre. Vi søkte på nytt med kjøpte billetter med forsikring som fikk beskjed fra vfs i Colombo , fikk av avslag. Vi mistet 55 000 kr.
Sendt Søknad på nytt med innleid advokat fikk beskjed god nyhet fikk innvilget. Her står det ikke kjøpe billetter før du mott passe før du bistiller billetter, vi får beskjed fra Vfs i Colombo og ordene en dommy bilete det vil si er jukse billett som ikke gildig men bare for å vise vi har billetter. 15.05 2024 Idag får vi beskjed om billetter er ikke gildig.

Hva skal vi gjøre her er det ingen menneskerett, bare trenering , 10 tur retur til Colombo vsf global utallige mange timer og masse penger.

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Embassy of Norway in New Delhi has made a positive decision in your visa appeal.

Please submit your passport, updated ticket bookings, updated travel medical insurance matching the ticket booking dates and a copy of this email at your nearest VFS center and pay a new handling fee. Please book a prior appointment with VFS for the submission of your passport.

Once your passport is received by the Embassy of Norway in New Delhi a visa will be issued. Your passport will be returned to you via VFS Global.

Please also note that you should not book any tickets until you have received your visa and passport from the Embassy.

In addition, please note, that the courier time for passports between VFS Colombo to Embassy in New Delhi takes up to 10 days and same time it takes to reach back again to VFS Colombo from New Delhi, so please book the tickets accordingly with sufficient gap.

Thanks, and best regards from the visa section.
Royal Norwegian Embassy, New Delhi

Botschaft von Indien in Oslo - Oslo
Namit Gaur

Very courteous and polite staff. When I called on the phone, the phone was picked up immediately and the person answered my queries quickly efficiently and politely. When I visited in person to deliver the documents for passport reissue the staff was polite friendly and efficient. Everything was done quickly and efficiently. Only thing is that the website is a bit confusing and unclear. The query I sent on email was not responded.

Botschaft von Indien in Oslo - Oslo
Vijay Jay

Thanks to embassy and employee. Employee are very cooprative. Thanks to Process my pasport renewal. Specially thanks megha ma'am Jai hind

Botschaft von Indien in Oslo - Oslo

I had to renew my OCI, and had to visit them 8 times. I live away from Oslo, so it has been absolutely terrible to get back and forth. They do not give messages and employees speak rudely. Their website is so confusing and one does not know how to get in touch with them. You also don't know what kind of things are required. They should employ more people who speak Norwegian at their reception and have opening hours. They have a lunch break which is not even announced on their website. They have different times for when to deliver the documents, but it is not stated on their website. It is absolutely a crisis. The Indian Embassy must change. Each visit I was told to do something new. No other embassies do that. In addition, they do not speak Norwegian. They should employ more people who speak Norwegian at their reception and have opening hours. They have a lunch break which is not even announced on their website. They have different times for when to deliver the documents, but it is not stated on their website.

Botschaft von Indien in Oslo - Oslo
Amin Mohamed Ajani

Extremely cooperative than how it was 5 years ago.

Botschaft von Indien in Oslo - Oslo
Abhishek Shah

For now this is my impression :)?
Unexpectedly quick and fast. I was scared by friends that passport service at Indian Embassy Norway takes very long time like 4 months, which is more than it is mentioned on the website. But what I have experienced is something else. I have received the passport way early (just in 5 weeks), which is quite quick and smooth. Also, they do listen to request when you call and sensibly answer to our question and even act on our request.
Good job guys and big Kudos. This comment is definitely to change a wrong impression we have for our Indian.
NOTE (reason for one less star): One thing that embassy need to improve is to receive the call (receives after many tries) on the number provided on website, which is a painful area 🙂


Botschaft von Indien in Oslo - Oslo
Dharminder Singh

Very Good Experience for Renewal my Passport. I am highly appreciate Mr.Vipin Anand Sir and Megha Bhavan Mam both are very skilled and Helpful.
It's proud these kind of professionals is working with Indian Embassy. Rest of all staff is also good. Keep it up ? God bless and Regards.

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